Monday, October 7, 2013

100 Cars for Good 2013!

100 Cars for Good is back with Toyota. This year you can vote every day for 2 nonprofits to help them win a new Toyota. Over 50 days your Facebook votes will help deserving nonprofits get a chance to win a new Toyota and expand their good deeds to our community! Lots of Texas nonprofits are up for voting and even one from Houston will be up for voting soon! October 17th lets help The Center win a new Toyota! Here is what they have posted on the 100 Cars for Good page: Through residential, vocational, and day services, we enable families to have a safe, secure and comfortable place for their loved ones to be cared for. Residential programs, located at our West Dallas campus and near Sealy, Texas at Willow River Farms, serve over 260 daily. An additional 420 adults are enrolled in day programs. Our shortage of readily available transportation does not afford for the simple things like going to the grocery store, pharmacy, or getting a haircut. Having transportation means being able to participate in the real world and allows clients to function more independently. Having additional transportation provides opportunities for inclusion in sporting events, festivals, movies, church services, museums – and much more. Clients would have the opportunity to engage and interact in their community and vice-versa. Community living activities prevent isolation and promote healthy socialization, a key component of The Center’s residential programs.

Here is the link to vote for them:

Check out our pictures from last years winners


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