Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mayor contest on Foursquare

We have all heard stories about the perks you can get from being the mayor on Foursquare. Some places the mayor is welcomed by the owner with a hand shake, others offer a free meal. At Fred Haas Toyota Country we want to honor our mayors with a monthly prize!
Here is what you need to know Foursquare is a FREE app that uses GPS to locate where you are. When you click the Foursquare app you can "check-in" to the location you are at and each time you check-in you will get points. The more times you check-in the more chances you have of becoming mayor. If you are mayor the most times you will win and if we have a tie we will put your names into a hat and draw a winner! I know how exciting it is to become mayor and we want to give you'll a chance to win prizes in the process!



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